DLL COVID-19 Protocol is following the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and
Community Development Authority (CDA) Dubai regulations.
The COVID-19 guidelines will be reviewed and modified regularly and adjusted for effectiveness and if/when government regulation changes:
• DLL kindly requests adherence to guidelines at all times.
• The DLL COVID-19 guidelines are focused on minimising risk while still
allowing for baseball/softball practice and play.
• The best protection for all players/families is for parents to keep
players and family members home if any symptoms related to COVID-19.
Anyone who presents with COVID-19 related symptoms will be asked to leave the premises, return home and consult with a healthcare provider for further assessment and management.
COVID-19 symptoms include but are not limited to:
• Fever (>37.5 C)
• Cough (dry)
• Shortness of breath.
• Flu-like symptoms: sore throat, fatigue, chest pain…
If after further assessment with a healthcare provider the DLL player has a confirmed COVID-19 infection the family will immediately inform head coaches and DLL officials.
All players and accompanying family members will be required to proceed with temperature checks and hands sanitized at the assigned dugout. Hand hygiene protocols have been put in place. These will include the use alcohol-based hand sanitizers in the dugouts. Limited shared equipment (including game balls) will also be sanitized regularly. Your own helmet and glove, face mask are mandatory.
• Player Agents will coordinate practice schedules for the different categories so as to avoid agglomerations within DLL facilities. Players will arrive at their assigned times.
• Coaches and assistant coaches will register attendance and temperature readings for all players.
• Accompanying family members will also have to register and proceed with temperature checks.
• Players and family members are kindly requested to leave DLL facilities within 15 minutes after practice sessions have concluded.
• Player Agents will coordinate game schedules for the different categories so as to avoid agglomerations within DLL facilities. Players will arrive at their assigned times.
• At arrival, players and accompanying family members will proceed with required temperature checks at the assigned dugout.
• Coaches and assistant coaches will register attendance (batting order).
• SAFETY COORDINATOR: The head coach of each team will designate a “Safety Coordinator” who will assist in ensuring compliance of DLL COVID-19 Protocols, including: dugout spacing and seating, hand sanitizing and monitor use of masks/facial coverings when required.
• Dugouts: Due to the limited seating capacity a bench will be outside the dugout or additional seating space. Social distancing requires 2m apart.
• UMPIRES will wear masks/facial coverings when not engaged in physical activity.
• Umpires will enforce strict time regulations including inning intervals (2 mins.), new
pitcher warm-ups (1 min.) and pitcher time limits (20 seconds) in order to avoid unnecessary delays, maintain game schedules and avoid agglomerations within
DLL facilities.
• No handshake lines, instead DLL suggests a “Tip of the cap” while respecting social distancing regulations.
• Coaches will deliver post-game speeches whilst observing social distancing regulations.
• Players and families are kindly requested to leave DLL facilities within 20 minutes of game concluding.
• Post-game "Team Snacks and Meals" will not be observed until further notice. Only food items obtained from our Subway sponsor will be available for purchase and consumption within DLL facilities as these guarantee strict COVID-19 food preparation protocols.
• Food deliveries from outside vendors will be discontinued until further notice notice. In case of allergies, a family may bring their own food but please do not share.
• Spectators will proceed with temperature checks and hand santizing when accessing DLL facilities.
• Spectators are requested to wear masks/facial coverings at all times while at DLL facilities. Children under the aged of 6 do not have to wear a mask.
• Spectators will observe social distancing regulations in the stands as suggested by DLL COVID guidelines. Currently 2m apart.
• Spectators are requested to leave DLL facilities within 20 minutes of game concluding.
DLL requires that all head coaches and administrators (including safety coordinators) takes this free online NFHS COVID-19 awareness course before the beginning of the season: https://nfhslearn.com/courses/covid-19-for-coaches-and-administrators